/ Projects / Trade


Sky Tower

CFD simulations of smoke control systems in the underground car park and the shopping mall in a mixed-use development

Magnolia Shopping Centre

Concept design and CFD simulations of smoke ventilation system in the extended part of the shopping mall

Galeria Libero

Concpet design of smoke ventilation systems, CFD simulations and hot smoke tests in a large, multi-storey shopping centre

CH Ostrovia

Consultancy and design proposal for modyfications and improvements of a natural smoke control system and CFD simulations in the existing single storey shopping mall at the material the alteration stage

CH Viktor

Consultancy and design proposal for modyfications and improvements by provision of a natural smoke control system and CFD simulations in the existing single storey shopping mall

Ferio Legnica

CFD simulations of smoke conditions in a fire situation, technical expertise of the state of fire protection

Galeria Gorlicka

Concept design and CFD simulations of natural smoke control system in the single storey shopping mall

Kaufland Długosza

Concept design and CFD simulations of a mechanical smoke ventilation system in the retail building

Leroy Merlin Krakowska

Concept design and CFD simulations of natural smoke control ventilation system in the existing single storey retail boulding

C.H. Tarnovia

Consultancy and design proposal for modyfications and improvements of natural smoke control system and CFD simulations in the part of the existing shopping mall

C.H. Promenada

CFD simulations of thermal conditions during a fire in multi-storey shopping centre

Hala Targowa Żory

Cencept design and CFD simulation of a natural smoke control system of a new single storey enclosed market hall

DIY shop

Concept design and verification of a natural smoke control system based on recommendations of BS 7346-4 for a commercial one storey building

Retail building

Lokalizacje: Wrocław, PL Zleceniodawca:   Inwestor: Kaufland Architekt/Projektant: TH Architekci Wykonawca:   Wartość inwestycji:        

Miodowa Shopping Centre

Concept design of a smoke control system of a shopping mall with verification calculations. The scope of the analysis included the natural smoke removal system in a shopping mall as well as in the anchor store.

Centrum Handlowe Auchan

Concept design based on BS 7346 and detailed CFD simulations of smoke ventilation system for an extension to an exisiting shopping centre

Carlow Shopping Centre

Concept design of a smoke exhaust ventilation system in a shopping mall (as an external consultant for Ahearne Fire Engineering Consultants)